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Creating New Organizations or Adding New CCIP Users for Non-LEAs (CBOs, FBOs, etc.) for FY2026 21st CCLC Competition

Please use the latest Non-LEAs ONLY - 21st CCLC CCIP Access Request Form contained in the NCDPI Resources folders, as appropriate.  You do not need to log in to access the documents in NCDPI Resources.  Rules and directions are on the form.  Send back to NCDPI in Excel form.

If you have the LEA User Access Administrator (UAA) role assigned to you (you will see an 'Administer' button in the left-hand menu), you can Create a new User and Modify (change NCID, contact information, roles) existing users.  Please note you can never delete a user, but you can deactivate them by deleting their roles.  For LEAs:  A UID (all numbers) is NOT the same as an NCID.

To create/add a user:

  1. Administer > User Access.
  2. Click on Create User in upper left of screen.
  3. Fill out first 4 fields at a minimum (DPI does not create the NCID - a local admin at your Organization does).
  4. Click Create button.
  5. Right above the table that appears, click on Create Role.
  6. Add roles needed, then click Save button.

To modify a user’s information:

  1. Administer > User Access.
  2. Enter last name into ‘Last Name:’ field.
  3. Click on Search button.
  4. Once found, click on the underlined email address in the table to modify information (NCID, phone number, etc.) or the yellow card icon in Administer Roles column to modify their roles.
  5. If you click on the yellow card icon, there is a Create Role link above the table.  Once clicked, there is a list of roles for that users. You can delete roles as well.
  6. Don’t forget to click the Update button.

To deactivate a user:

  1. Administer > User Access.
  2. Enter last name into ‘Last Name:’ field.
  3. Click on Search button.
  4. Once found, click on the yellow card icon in Administer Roles column to modify (delete) their roles.
  5. Don’t forget to click Save (or Update) button.
  6. Just as FYI, you can never delete a user, but you can delete their roles.

Having a valid NCID does not automatically gain you access to CCIP.  For school districts, lab schools and charters, please contact the CCIP User Access Administrator for your organization.  Non-school districts (a/k/a non-LEAs) must have the Chief Administrator/Director of their organization contact the appropriate personnel at DPI, depending on their business area (Federal Programs, EC, CTE, etc.) with the correct information; this is the same for NEW charters that were not previously resident in CCIP.

If you are a NON-LEA having problems with your NCID (expired password, locked out), contact DIT at 919.754.6000 or toll-free at 1.800.722.3946 for assistance. If you are a school district or charter, please contact your local NCID Administrator.  The CCIP Administrators do not manage NCIDsother than to authenticate you are who you say you are, and to make you "known" to CCIP for the respective business area.